65+ Free Bible Study Topics to Deepen Your Study

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The opportunity to study our Bibles is a huge blessing. Bible study is the only way we get to learn everything about God’s plan for this world.

The Bible covers every topic we can think of. In fact, Nelson’s Where to Find it Book can help direct you to any topic you are looking for in the Bible.

With that said, I’m writing this article to bring all the Bible study topics on my website to one central location. I will continue to add to this page as I add more Bible study tools. Don’t miss this huge list of free Bible printables.

Bible Study Tools

Bible Study

Learning how to study the Bible takes time. When I received Jesus into my life, I wanted to fill myself with as much knowledge as possible.

My husband was a backslidden Christian so he had the same desires as me.

There were different ways to do this and I had to work through trial and error of “where and how” I was being fed.

Since everyone is at different levels, I’m just going to dive into everything I have written on this website and let you decide how you would like to use it for your Bible study.

Types of Bibles

The first thing you need for Bible study is a Bible. There are different types of Bibles for sale. Everyone has a different preference when it comes to Bibles.

My favorite is a study Bible because it allows you to dig deeper without getting a separate commentary. Since I love studying Bibles so much, I have written multiple articles on my favorites.

I have broken them down by version since most people prefer one version over the other. I plan on adding more versions soon.

I’ve also listed out the best pocket Bibles if you’re interested in taking a smaller Bible with you on the go.

It’s also easier to navigate your Bible with Bible tabs. I created free printable Bible tabs if you’d like to use them. Make sure to keep your Bible protected with a Bible cover and use a Bible highlighter to deepen your study.

Bible Study Fellowship

Bible Study Fellowship

Once you have a Bible, you may want to consider a Bible study fellowship. I’ve been involved with a women’s Bible study group for over 10 years and it has been a blessing.

We’ve also done Bible studies as a family and have been blessed. I’ve written articles about the actual Bible study books we have completed in groups or with family.

I’m praying these will help you find a study that will grow your walk.

If you’re looking for more Biblical advice on raising kids, you should check out these books for Christian parenting and these books on how to teach kids about sex in the Bible.

These are very important topics that kids need to learn Biblically before the world distorts everything.

Bible Study Tools

As I mentioned above, learning how to study the Bible can take time. There are different methods of studying the Bible.  You can study the Books of the Bible in order or you may prefer to follow a topical Bible reading plan.

Here are some specific Bible study tools that I have written about that can help you with Bible Study.

Bible Study Topics

Bible Study Topics

There are so many different topics to study in the Bible. I’ve written on several different Bible topics and I will continue to write more.

Here’s a brief overview of each Bible study topic I have written:

1. You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made – As children of God, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We all have different talents, abilities, and gifts. God sees us in a different way than we see each other. /

2. How to Become an Ambassador of Christ – An Ambassador for Christ in the Bible is a representative of Christ. Being an ambassador for Christ goes beyond the title, it’s a calling. It means that we are to represent Christ in all things

3. Christ-Centered Marriage – Before I became a Christian, I had a worldly view of marriage. I learned quickly that a Christian marriage needs to be centered on Christ to be successful. I discuss ways to make your marriage Christ-centered in this article. You may want to check out the marriage Bible verses as well.

4. Stress in the Bible – We encounter all types of stress in our lives. The question is…what does the Bible say about stress? We are conditioned by the world to view stress in a certain way. Find out what the Bible says about it in this article. Here are some stress Bible verses that may be helpful too.

5. Worry in the Bible – Worry is a popular topic. Most people struggle with worry and they don’t know how to fix it. The good news is… the Bible tells us everything we need to know about it. This article explains worry and how to fix it.  Here are some helpful worry Bible verses as well.

6. Can God Move Mountains? – As humans, it is impossible to think a mountain could be moved. As Christians, we know all things are possible with God. This article discusses the Truth about moving mountains. These mountain Bible verses are a great read too.

7. Becoming a Biblical Wife – The Bible talks a lot about what a Biblical wife looks like. As Christians, our number one goal should be to please God. Learning to be a Biblical wife takes effort. Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman is what most women strive for. My biggest struggle was learning to be a submissive wife.

8. Money in the Bible – Money is a popular topic in the world and it’s also popular in the Bible. God knows humans because he created them and money is a big issue. The Bible states that you can’t serve God and money (Matt 6:24).  This article talks about the Bible and money. Here are some money Bible verses too.

9. How to Be a Blessing to Others? The Bible talks a lot about the needs of others. We encounter different people every day and many of them could use a blessing. This article talks about ways you can be a blessing to others. These blessing others Bible verses and serving others Bible verses are helpful too.

10. Names of God in the Bible – God has many names in the Bible. This article features many of His names and what they mean. I’ve also made a few names of God printables so you can take them with you.

11. Tithing in the Bible – When I committed my life to Jesus, I had a really hard time understanding tithing. I couldn’t understand why God wanted my money. As I matured in my faith, God helped me understand His purpose in tithing. This article speaks about tithing and what it means.

12. God’s Promises – The Bible is full of promises from God. Sometimes we don’t see them as promises when we are reading through the Bible. These specific Bible verses can easily be overlooked. Here are some of my favorite promises from God. They get me through every day.

13. The Fruits of the Spirit – Most Christians have heard about the fruits of the spirit. We sing songs about them but sometimes we don’t think about what we are singing. This article discusses the Bible verses that talk about the fruits of the spirit and what they mean.

14. What are the Beatitudes? – The Beatitudes are full of different blessings for the believer. This article discusses the 8 beatitudes and what they mean. Each one is progressive and leads to the other. Don’t miss these blessings.

15. The 12 Days of Christmas Meaning – We sing the “12 days of Christmas” every year during Christmas. The song has become so commercialized by the world. Little do they know, they are singing about gifts from the Lord. Read this article to find out the true meaning of this song. Check out these bible verses about Christmas too.

16. Choosing Faith over Fear – We make choices every day. One of the biggest choices we face today is to have faith. Fear can easily consume our life but that’s not what Jesus came here for. He came to give us peace. Find out how you can have faith over fear and start living in the freedom you have in Christ.

17. Learn to Rest in the Lord – We can talk day after day about how we are resting in the Lord. If you take a minute to think about that, you may find that you aren’t really resting in Him. You may be taking things into your own hands. Find out how you can rest in the Lord.

18. How to Trust God – Making the decision to trust God is a huge step in your Christian walk. It’s easy to take things into our own hands because we don’t trust God to handle them. This article discusses how to trust God and why you should.

19. What Does it Mean to Fear the Lord? – When we think of the word fear, we think of stuff like fearing spiders, fearing airplane flights, fearing the dark, etc. Fearing the Lord is a completely different fear. Learn all about what fearing the Lord means.

20. The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit – We all have specific gifts that God has blessed us with. You may or may not know what your gift of the Holy Spirit is. This article breaks down the gifts of the spirit and how you can glorify God through them.

21. The Love Languages Meaning – The five love languages are a popular topic. My husband and I recently went on an anniversary trip and decided to narrow down our love languages. Find out your love language today.

22. Ways to Praise God – Praising God should be at the top of our list daily. Once I made the decision to step out in faith, my love for the Lord deepened tremendously. I want to praise Him in every way possible.

23. How to Hear God’s Voice – Hearing God’s voice is not the only way He speaks to us. In order to make sure you are hearing from God, we need to know the different ways that He speaks to us.

24. Steps to Draw Near to God – The Bible tells us that if we draw close to God, He will draw close to us. What an awesome to know about our God.  But how do we draw close to God? Find all the steps in this article.

25. Bible Journaling Tips – Bible journaling is a creative way to connect with God through scripture.  The point of Bible journaling is not the art, it’s the closeness that you experience through God’s Word. If you are interested in Bible journaling, you should check out these different methods.

26. How to Take Your Thoughts Captive – Our minds are very powerful. We have thoughts coming into our minds every second of the day. The Bible says we need to be intentional about taking our thoughts captive in obedience to Christ.  Find out how you can do that.

27. Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed – Jesus used a parable to explain having the faith of a mustard seed. He often used parables to teach life lessons like the parable of the talents.  Find out what having faith of a mustard seed means.

28. What is the Breastplate of Righteousness? – The breastplate is one of the pieces of the armor of God. This is an in-depth understanding of how to use the breastplate of righteousness to keep yourself protected against the enemy.

29. How to Use the Sword of the Spirit – The sword of the Spirit is another piece of the armor of God. To use the sword effectively, you need to have a full understanding of the power of the sword. You can find everything you need to know here.

30. How to Use the Shield of Faith – The shield of faith is such an important part of the armor of God (They all are).  Without faith, we have nothing to stand on. Learn how to use your shield of faith.

31. The Full Armor of God – The Armor of God contains 6 pieces. Each piece serves a different purpose. Learn how you can put on the Full Armor of God every day.

32. How to Let Go and Let God – Learning to let go and give it to God is not easy. Here are some ways I’ve learned to give it to God and let Him handle it.

33. Medi-Share Review Insurance Alternative – Medi-Share is a nonprofit Christian organization where members share the cost of each other’s medical bills. It’s a great alternative to traditional health insurance. Find out everything you need to know in this post.

34. The Power of PrayerPrayer is how we communicate with God. We often underestimate the power of prayer. Here are 7 testimonies of the power of prayer from the Heroes of Faith.

35. Should Christians Get Insurance? – This can be a conflicting topic in many Christian circles. Find out if it’s Biblical for Christians to get insurance.

36. Faith Without Works is Dead – Have you ever wondered why faith without works is dead? Here is a full explanation of what that means.

37. How to Renew Your Mind – Every day we are bombarded with sin and sinful ideas. For us to keep our minds on Christ, we need to renew our minds. Here are 6 steps to keep your mind renewed.

38. 100+ Things to Be Grateful For and Thankful For – It’s easy to forget to focus on the good and things we are thankful for. Here are 100+ things we should be grateful for.

39. Ways to Know God Will Provide – The Bible tells us that God will provide all of our needs and we need to trust that. Here are 3 ways to know that God will always provide for your needs.

40. Who I Am In Christ? – When we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, we get a new identity. Here are 10 Truths to know your identity in Christ.

41. Places to Find God in Your Life – Many are searching for God but they don’t know where to find Him. Here are 8 places to find God in your life.

42. God is Faithful – At one point or another, we question God’s faithfulness. This article shares how you can know God is faithful and that you can put your trust in Him.

43. Prayers for Family ProtectionPrayer is a huge part of our lives as we continue to follow Jesus. This article shares 7 prayers for family protection.

44. Christian Pick-Up Lines – These pick-up lines are perfect for any Christian. You can use them on your spouse to ignite the fire or use them to find that special person to spend your life with.

45. The Best Bible Games – Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ is our number one mission in life. These Bible games are a great way to start a conversation and to share the Truths in the Bible.

46. 5 Reasons God’s Timing is Perfect – God’s timing is hard to understand. We want what we want but the reality is, He knows what’s best for us. Here are the reasons why God’s timing is always the best time.

47. The Romans Road to Salvation – Salvation is the most valuable gift to humans. Here I explain the Roman Road to obtaining salvation.

48. How to Know the Will of God – The will of God isn’t always easy to find. In this article, I share 8 ways to know the will of God for your life.

49. Ways to Delight Yourself in the Lord – Delighting in the Lord is not just an action but a way of life. It is a habit we, as children of God, should develop to have a closer relationship with the Lord.

50. How to Win the Spiritual Warfare Battle – Spiritual warfare is real. We need to equip ourselves to fight these battles. Here is spiritual warfare explained and ways to win the battle.

51. How to Guard Your Heart – The Bible tells us to guard our hearts above all else. What does that really mean? Here are 5 ways to guard your mind today!

52. Ways to Know God is With You Always – We know that God is omnipresent which means He can be everywhere at one time. This makes it possible for Him to be with us every moment of the day.

53. The Miracles Jesus Performed – There are many miracles in the Bible but this article focuses on the miracles that Jesus performed. These miracles include deliverance from possession, miracles with food, raising people from the dead, healings from blindness, deformities, deafness, leprosy, and more!

54. How to Wait on the Lord – Waiting on the Lord is easier said than done. We want answers right away and God doesn’t always work like that. Here are ways to wait on the Lord patiently.

55. Cast Your Cares On Him – The Bible tells us to cast our cares upon the Lord. This post shares how to do that and why we should do that.

56. How to Intentionally Choose Joy– The Lord gives us joy but we need to choose it daily. Here are ways to choose joy every day.

57. Christian Christmas Songs That Celebrate Jesus – Christmas is such a beautiful time of the year. In this post, I share Christmas music that celebrates the true meaning of Christmas.

58. You Reap What You Sow – The Bible talks a lot about sowing and reaping. It’s important to understand what this means because you have a choice in which path you choose to walk.

59. Covered by the Blood of Jesus – The blood of Jesus is powerful. We need to remember that we can apply Jesus’ blood to our lives to protect us, heal us, and give us authority over the enemy.

60. How Faith Comes by Hearing – Faith can come by hearing in many ways. Sharing your faith and growing in your faith are two of the most common.

61. How to Be Still and Know He is God – Being still is hard for all of us but that’s what God wants us to do. He wants us to surrender our worries, fears, and plans to Him. He knows what’s best for us.

62. Lukewarm Christianity – The Bible speaks about the lukewarm Christian. Here I explain what being lukewarm means and what the Bible has to say about being lukewarm.

63. How to Be the Light of the World – Jesus is the Light of the World and He calls us to be the Light of the World. Read about how to shine your light.

64. God’s Mercies are New Every Morning – Mercy is available to us every morning. God’s love is never failing and never-ending.

65. The Joy of the Lord is My Strength – As Christians, we get to experience the joy of the Lord in our lives. Thankfully we can say the joy of the Lord is our strength.

66. Reasons you can do all Things Through Christ – Our strength comes from the Lord and that means we can do all things through Him.

67. The Lord is My Shepherd – The Lord is our Shepherd, in the past, present, and future. If we have God on our side, that’s all we need.

68. He is Risen – Jesus has risen and He is alive today. There are many ways to celebrate this amazing news. Check out these great ways to celebrate.

69. Dangers of Being Unequally Yoked – The Bible speaks about being unequally yoked in 2 Corinthians. This is very important to take into consideration when entering relationships.

Bible Study Lessons

The Bible study topics above can be used as Bible study lessons. Bible study is so important for spiritual growth. I do have an article with free printable Bible study lessons that you may be interested in.

More Bible Study Topics

I love providing Bible study resources for my readers. I love studying Bible verses that are topic-specific so I’ve put together multiple articles on different Bible verses.

I encourage you to memorize these scriptures. Here are some specific Bible verses that I’ve written about.

I’ve written on miscellaneous topics related to the Bible. These resources are helpful for your daily walk as a Christian.

Ways to Share Your Faith

Deciding to live for Christ is a life-changing event.  Once you have your mind set on Christ, you desire to make Him known to others.

The Lord put on my heart to share Him through this website a few years ago. My newest adventure in sharing Him with the world is through Christian Clothing.

I opened up my own Christian clothing and apparel shop if you are interested in checking it out.

These are the current messages I have created that are printed on the clothing:

Bible Study Prayer

Prayer is a Part of Studying the Bible

Prayer is an important topic when it comes to Bible study. We need to be in constant prayer with the Lord to know His will for our lives.

Here are a few articles about prayer.

Never Stop Studying the Bible

The Bible is living and it speaks to us in every season of our life. I know this was a long article but I want to make sure you have access to everything God has put on my heart to share with you.

Bible study is so important and I hope all these Bible study topics are helpful to your Bible study time. I will continue to add articles and resources to this page as I write them.

Never Stop Praying and Seeking the Lord! He is the ONLY Way!

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One Comment

  1. This extensive list of Bible study topics resonates with me on a personal level, offering a diverse range of insights into various aspects of faith. The inclusion of topics like stress, worry, and the Armor of God speaks directly to my everyday challenges, making this guide not just informative but also relatable.