The 66 Books of the Bible in Order Plus! Free Printable
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The Bible is the foundation of our faith. If we want to know our creator and grow in our walk with Him, we need to read the books of the Bible.
What are the Books of the Bible?
The 66 books of the Bible contain holy scripture. They contain God’s commandments, wisdom, real-life experiences, ways to navigate life, miracles, and supernatural experiences.
The Bible contains everything we need to know about creation and how this world will end.
Who Wrote the Books of the Bible?
Human authors wrote the books of the Bible but their writings were inspired by God. The Bible tells us that all scripture was “breathed out” by God.
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” 2 Timothy 3:16 ESV
There were around 40 men who wrote the Bible over a 1500-year period. You can read more about the Bible authors in detail if you’d like.
Books of the Bible
Now that we have a better understanding of the Bible, let me break down what I’m going to cover in this article.
There are multiple reasons I’m writing this. The main reason is to make you aware of what you need to know about the Bible. The other reason is to use this article as a reference for Bible study.
It’s important that we know the Bible and get familiar with the books of the Bible in order. Knowing the order of the books will help us navigate those books quickly.
My goal is to provide you with as much knowledge of the Bible so you can grow in your faith and fulfill His purpose for your life.
Here’s what I will be Covering:
- Books of the Bible List Printable
- List of the Books of the Bible
- Old Testament Books in Order
- New Testament Books in Order
- Books of the Bible Song
Free Books of the Bible Printable
I love free Bible printables. Especially because they aid in my understanding and growth in Christ. I want to help you learn the books in the Bible so I created these books of the Bible printables. They are completely free to download.
I made a books of the Bible list printable and a books of the Bible bookmark printable. Each one comes in color or black and white.
Simply click this books of the Bible printable link to download your free PDF. Then print the printables you want.
List of the Books of the Bible in Order
Here is a list of the books in the Bible. All the books of the Bible are below with a brief description of what they contain and who wrote them.
Old Testament Books of the Bible
Here are the Old Testament books of the Bible in order. There are 39 books in the Old Testament.
1st Book “Genesis”
The book of Genesis was written by Moses and it has 50 chapters. Genesis speaks of the beginning of creation and God’s Will for all nations. The first 11 chapters are the foundation for understanding the Bible.
2nd Book “Exodus”
The book of Exodus was written by Moses and it has 40 chapters. It teaches that God is the Savior and He is the Provider for us.
3rd Book “Leviticus”
The book of Leviticus was written by Moses and it has 27 chapters. It taught the Israelites how to live in moral purity. Once they were able to live in purity, they were able to approach God in worship.
4th Book “Numbers”
The book of Numbers was written by Moses and it has 36 chapters. It describes what happened before the Israelites entered the Promised Land. God teaches the Israelites how to worship Him and trust Him in the battle.
5th Book “Deuteronomy”
The book of Deuteronomy was written by Moses and it has 34 chapters. In this book, Moses is preparing the people. He wanted the people to remember their covenant with God and to follow the laws of God.
6th Book “Joshua”
The author is not stated in the book of Joshua. This book has 24 chapters. It shows us that the Israelites were victorious because of God’s intervention.
7th Book “Judges”
The author is not stated in the book of Judges. This book has 21 chapters. It shows us God’s faithfulness to Israel. He did not spare the Israelites from the consequences but He delivered them from their oppression because of His promise to Abraham.
8th Book “Ruth”
The book of Ruth was most likely written by Samuel. There are other scholars who believe it was written by Naomi. Either way, it contains 4 chapters and is a lovely story of love, loyalty, and redemption. Ruth placed her faith in God and He provided for her.
9th Book “1 Samuel“
The book of 1 Samuel was written by Samuel and it has 31 chapters. It’s believed that there was another author involved but it’s not clear who that author was. King Saul’s rise to power leads to his tragic fall in this book. Samuel shares Saul’s disobedience to God and the result of God abandoning him.
10th Book “2 Samuel”
The book of 2 Samuel was written by prophets Nathan and Gad and it has 24 chapters. They most likely wrote the last chapters of 1 Samuel as well since Samuel was dead in those chapters. This book documents the rise and fall of King David.
11th Book “1 Kings”
The book of 1 Kings was most likely written by Jeremiah and it has 22 chapters. It shows us the history of each king and how they received God’s call or rejected it.
12th Book “2 Kings”
The book of 1 Kings was most likely written by Jeremiah and it has 25 chapters. It tells us the historical account of Judah and Israel. God judges each King’s obedience to Him. Both nations are exiled.
13th Book “1 Chronicles”
The book of 1 Chronicles was written by Ezra and it has 29 chapters. It tells us the history of the restored community after the exile.
14th Book “2 Chronicles“
The author of 2 Chronicles is not stated. It has 36 chapters. This book continues to show us the history of restoration in Israel.
15th Book “Ezra“
The author of Ezra is believed to be Ezra although it’s not fully stated that it is. This book has 10 chapters. God proves Himself faithful in this book. He fulfills His promises and restores His people from Babylon.
16th Book “Nehemiah“
The author of Nehemiah was Nehemiah and it has 13 chapters. This book shows the restoration of Jerusalem under Nehemiah’s leadership.
17th Book “Esther”
The author of Esther is unknown. It has 10 chapters. This book is about an orphaned girl who becomes queen. She struggles with people trying to destroy her but God intervenes and saves His people.
18th Book “Job”
The author is not stated in the book of Job. This book contains 42 chapters and is a record of Jobs’ trials and sufferings. This book helps us see God’s perspective when we experience trials and self-pity.
19th Book “Psalms”
The book of Psalms was written by King David. It has 150 chapters and is filled with songs, prayers, and poetry. King David pours out his heart to God.
20th Book “Proverbs”
The author of Proverbs is King Solomon and it has 31 chapters. This book teaches good advice. It is the core knowledge of how God says we should live to be successful. These proverbs speak to us in all areas of our life.
21st Book “Ecclesiastes”
The author of Ecclesiastes is King Solomon. There are 12 chapters in this book. This book is about the life of a man living apart from God. It raises questions about the meaning of life and what it looks like to have to live without God.
22nd Book “Song of Solomon”
The author of Song of Solomon is King Solomon. There are 8 chapters in this book. This book is a love story between King Solomon and his bride. It expresses the enjoyable role of human sexuality in marriage.
23rd Book “Isaiah“
The author of Isaiah is Isaiah and it has 66 chapters. Isaiah was a prophet and this book records the prophetic warnings. It also shows Isaiah’s hope for the coming Messiah.
24th Book “Jeremiah”
The author of Jeremiah is Jeremiah. This book has 52 chapters and it expresses Jeremiah’s struggle with His call to be a prophet of God.
25th Book “Lamentations”
The author of Lamentations is believed to be Jeremiah although it’s not fully stated that it is. This book has 5 chapters and reveals Jeremiah’s, broken heart. Even though the people of Israel chose to reject God, God still restored those who rested in Him.
26th Book “Ezekiel”
The author of Ezekiel was Ezekiel and it has 48 chapters. In this book, Ezekiel announces God’s messages during the hostility in Babylon. He comforts the exiles.
27th Book “Daniel“
The book of Daniel was written by Daniel. There are 12 chapters in this book. Daniel wrote about God’s sovereignty in this book. His message is meant to encourage the Jews.
28th Book “Hosea“
The book of Hosea was written by Hosea and it has 14 chapters. Hosea declares that sin is wrong, that a judgment is coming, and that God’s love will prevail in the end.
29th Book “Joel“
The book of Joel was written by Joel and it has 3 chapters. Joel calls the nation to repentance. He encouraged the true believer to draw near to God because a Savior was coming.
30th Book “Amos“
The book of Amos was written by Amos and it has 9 chapters. Amos writes about God’s concern for justice in this book.
31st Book “Obadiah“
The name Obadiah means “Servant of the Lord“. It is unknown if Obadiah was the prophet’s name or title. There is 1 chapter in this book. The message was to encourage the survivors that God would restore Judah.
32nd Book “Jonah”
The book of Jonah doesn’t state who wrote it but it’s most likely Jonah. This book has 4 chapters and basically shares the message to not think more highly of yourself than others. God doesn’t have favorites.
33rd Book “Micah”
The book of Micah was written by Micah and it has 7 chapters. Micah shares God’s promises of the future and the Savior who would be coming as the True Shepherd.
34th Book “Nahum”
The book of Nahum was written by Nahum and it has 3 chapters. Nahum preached to Ninevah but the people ignored his warning.
35th Book “Habakkuk”
The book of Habakkuk was written by Habakkuk and it has 3 chapters. In this book, Habakkuk asked God questions. He wanted to know what God was doing and why He was doing it.
36th Book “Zephaniah“
The book of Zephaniah was written by Zephaniah and it has 3 chapters. Zephaniah shared the good news and the bad news in this book. He encouraged the people to turn from their sins and repent.
37th Book “Haggai“
The book of Haggai was written by Haggai and it has 2 chapters. Haggai was a prophet who returned from the Exile in Babylon. He asked the Jews to recognize where their priorities were and urged them to rebuild the temple willingly.
38th Book “Zechariah”
The book of Zechariah was written by Zechariah and it has 14 chapters. In this book, Zechariah encourages those returning from exile to turn from their sin and walk with the Lord. He encourages the people of God’s future work.
39th Book “Malachi”
The book of Malachi was written by Malachi and it has 4 chapters. This is the last book in the Old Testament. Malachi speaks to the people who have forgotten God’s love. He encourages them to return to the living God.
New Testament Books of the Bible
Here are the New Testament books of the Bible in order. There are 27 books in the New Testament.
40th Book “Matthew”
The author of the book of Matthew is not named but documentation points to Matthew as the author. This book has 28 chapters and is written to prove to the Jews that Jesus is the promised Messiah.
41st Book “Mark”
The author of the book of Mark is not named but documentation points to Mark as the author. This book has 16 chapters and it records what Jesus achieves on Earth. He conquers death, performs miracles, and defeats demons.
42nd Book “Luke”
The book of Luke doesn’t state the author. It has 24 chapters and shares the perspective of Jesus’ life. The author of this book is not an eyewitness to the events that took place.
43rd Book “John”
The book of John was written by John and it has 21 chapters. The basis of this book is to let people know where to find eternal life.
44th Book “Acts“
The author of the book of Acts is not named but documentation points to Luke as the author. This book has 28 chapters and provides the history of the early church. It’s an eyewitness account of the spread of the gospel.
45th Book “Romans“
The book of Romans was written by Paul and it has 16 chapters. Paul’s letters to the churches teach that God is righteous and that both Jews and Gentiles can receive Him through faith.
46th Book “1 Corinthians“
The book of 1 Corinthians was written by Paul and it has 16 chapters. Corinth was a troubled church so Paul put his efforts into repairing it at the source. This church suffered from pride and lacked true love in the church.
47th Book “2 Corinthians“
The book of 2 Corinthians was written by Paul and it has 13 chapters. In this chapter, Paul writes to the church to defend his ministry.
48th Book “Galatians“
The book of Galatians was written by Paul and it has 6 chapters. Paul writes to the church to identify false teachers and a false gospel.
49th Book “Ephesians“
The book of Ephesians was written by Paul and it has 6 chapters. In this book, Paul writes to the Ephesians to strengthen their church. He wanted them to see the importance of encouraging each other in faith.
50th Book “Philippians“
The book of Philippians was written by Paul and it has 4 chapters. Paul encourages the Philippians to be content in all circumstances.
51st Book “Colossians“
The book of Colossians was written by Paul and it has 4 chapters. In this book, Paul preaches that Christ is the authority and that Jesus is the only way to the Father.
52nd Book “1 Thessalonians“
The book of 1 Thessalonians was written by Paul and it has 5 chapters. Paul patiently worked with this young church. He taught them the gospel and helped them advance further in their faith.
53rd Book “2 Thessalonians”
The book of 2 Thessalonians was written by Paul and it has 3 chapters. In this book, Paul writes to clarify the second coming to the church. False ideas had arisen in the church.
54th Book “1 Timothy“
The book of 1 Timothy was written by Paul and it has 6 chapters. Paul is encouraging Timothy to be strong in his faith since Paul left him in charge of the church in Ephesus.
55th Book “2 Timothy”
The book of 2 Timothy was written by Paul and it has 4 chapters. Paul continued to encourage Timothy in the faith and Christian life.
56th Book “Titus“
The book of Titus was written by Paul and it has 3 chapters. These believers lacked leadership and Paul relied on Titus to help bring them the Truth. There were false teachers who were taking advantage of the Truth being absent.
57th Book “Philemon“
The book of Philemon was written by Paul and it has 1 chapter. Paul wrote this letter to explain that a Christian’s love should rise above the hatred and suffering of that day.
58th Book “Hebrews“
The author is not stated in the book of Hebrews. This book has 13 chapters and was written for those who doubted their conversion to Christianity. The author teaches that the only way to true spirituality is through Jesus Christ.
59th Book “James“
The book of James was written by James and it has 5 chapters. In this book, James points out the dangers that can come when facing trials. It’s a “how-to” book on living the Christian life. He warns of us not placing our trust in the Lord and leaving God out of our plan.
60th Book “1 Peter”
The book of 1 Peter was written by Peter and it has 5 chapters. Showing kindness to those who persecute us is difficult. In this book, Peter writes about why suffering occurs and reminds us of our eternal reward.
61st Book “2 Peter“
The book of 2 Peter was written by Peter and it has 3 chapters. Peter had preached the Christian faith but in this letter, he wanted to make sure they understood it was a matter of eternal life. He wanted to address the false teachings that went against the Truth.
62nd Book “1 John“
The book of 1 John was written by John and it has 5 chapters. John’s purpose was to encourage fellowship. If believers were able to distinguish the difference between false beliefs and Truth they would be able to maintain their unity in faith and show love to other believers.
63rd Book “2 John“
The book of 2 John was written by John and it has 1 chapter. There were false teachers and false apostles in the early church. In this book, John urges believers to grasp the Truth. He wanted them to cover themselves with the Truth and guard themselves against falsehood.
64th Book “3 John“
The book of 3 John was written by John and it has 1 chapter. In this book, John addresses the struggles within the church specifically the local church.
65th Book “Jude“
The book of Jude was written by Jude and it has 1 chapter. Jude addresses false teachers. He brings our attention to defending the faith and growing in God’s Grace.
66th Book “Revelation“
The book of Revelation is written by John and it has 22 chapters. Persecution against Christianity has increased and John wanted to remind believers that Jesus Christ is in control and holds history in the palm of His hand. God will establish the promised kingdom and as believers, we can be coheirs with Christ through faith in Him.
What’s your favorite book of the Bible?
I have to say that this is a really hard choice for me. I’ve always loved the book of Proverbs and Romans because they make it really clear how we should be living our Christian life.
At this season in my life, I think that 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Revelation are my favorites. It’s amazing how God’s Word speaks to us in all seasons of our life.
This article was an amazing blessing for me. Just researching more about each book of the Bible kept me encouraged. Over the past few months, I have really felt the Lord stretching me to dive into His Word more.
This article took a long time to write and it stretched me. Now, I can’t wait to get deeper into the study of the Bible to grow in my relationship with Him. I’m so excited to have this article as a reference now. I’m praying that it’s a blessing to you too!
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