8 Ways To Know God’s Will For Your Life

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The Bible speaks a lot about Godโ€™s will. Our Father clearly wants us to receive salvation, give thanks, and make disciples. God has a plan for me and for you and it is not always easy to understand His will for our lives.

When I think of Godโ€™s will for my life, I turn to the books of the Bible hoping to run into eye-opening scriptures. It’s hard because His will is not always obvious, especially when we want to choose a job, a life partner, or a house.

Today, I want to share 8 ways to know Godโ€™s will for your life. These ways have helped me make some of the biggest decisions in my life and I’m hoping they can help you too.

What is the Will of God?

When we think about Godโ€™s will for us, we often think about what he wants us to do. We want to know His plan for every aspect of our life.

The will of God in the Bible can be classified into two areas: Godโ€™s sovereign will and Godโ€™s preceptive will.

Godโ€™s Sovereign Will

Godโ€™s sovereign will is also called His โ€œsecretโ€ will. He does all things according to His sovereign will that will come to pass no matter what. The power of God is immeasurable and no one can ruin Godโ€™s plans.

However, Godโ€™s sovereign will for our life is not mentioned in the scripture. This is because He has a specific purpose for each and every one of us.

Godโ€™s Preceptive Will

The preceptive will of God is what God desires us to do. This will is revealed in the scriptures.

For instance, it is Godโ€™s will that we love our neighbors, walk and draw near to Him, and act justly. It is His will that we do not steal, lie, or murder.

Whatโ€™s Godโ€™s Will For Us?

God wants the best for His children, He is faithful. It is crucial to understand that He has a plan for each and every one of us. This means Godโ€™s will is not the same for all of His children.

When we are faced with big decisions in our life, we hope for a sudden answer from our Father. We look through the Bible and pray to Him, asking for a signal. But God wants us to be persistent in seeking Him.

To know Godโ€™s will for your life, walk humbly with Him, and surrender your will. Study the word of God in-depth and make time for prayer.

God's Will For My Life

How to Know Godโ€™s Will for My Life

Here are eight ways to know Godโ€™s will in any situation in your life.

1. Surrender Your Will

The first step to being open to Godโ€™s guidance is to surrender your will. If you present your desires to God and pray for His blessing, you are just seeking his approval and not searching for His will.

Always be open to God guiding you in any direction, regardless of what you want in that situation. When you focus more on listening to God and focus less on a certain outcome, you will be ready for Godโ€™s blessing.

2. Walk With God

A practical step to building a close relationship with God is to set aside time every day to be with Him. Sit down and reflect on your life. Think about how you can apply His commands in your daily life.

By consistently meditating on Godโ€™s word, you will understand what He wants you to do. Just like you know what your close friends or family members would do in a given situation, you will get to know Godโ€™s will for that situation.

Make time to read the Bible often. Surround yourself with people who are also trying to grow in their walk with the Lord.

3. Make Time For Prayer

At times, we feel we are too busy to pray. We tell ourselves โ€œI need more time in my life to praise Godโ€. But the truth is that we can find time for our priorities, no matter how busy we are.

You can incorporate prayer in your busy life by praising God whenever you can. Praise Him in the morning, during your commute, while getting ready, and when you are at the gym.

Take a walk outside and tell God what is happening in your life. As you pray, note down the thoughts and ideas that occur in your mind. If you stay really quiet you may hear God’s voice.

4. Obey Godโ€™s Will In The Bible

While searching for Godโ€™s will for our lives, we often forget His will that is already revealed in the Bible. For instance, the scripture clearly tells us to love our neighbors and abstain from sexual immorality.

There is no point in seeking God’s will without obeying His commands that are delineated carefully in the Bible. So study Godโ€™s word and apply the written truth in your life.

5. Seek Other Peopleโ€™s Advice

Ask your Christian friends for advice. Share your desires with them and tell them about your walk with the Lord so far.

Their thoughts and ideas may be entirely different from yours but you will gain a new perspective on the situation. This is one of the main reasons I attend my women’s Bible study group. You can also seek advice from church leaders, family members, or pastors.

6. Evaluate Your Circumstances

While searching for Godโ€™s will for your life, donโ€™t forget to take a break and relax. Look around and evaluate your situation. God may signal you in a direction through the events in your life or the people around you.

If your application at a university gets rejected, it may mean God has closed that door. Meditate on His word, renew your mind, and look out for signals.

7. Reason Logically

God always acts in a logical way and He would most definitely want you to figure things out logically. This means in addition to praying and listening to the Holy Spirit, do what you know to be true.

Sometimes we focus hard on trying to know Godโ€™s will that we forget to use our common sense.

Ask yourself what would be the most logical solution in a given situation. Create a list and write the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. While making decisions, keep Godโ€™s values and commandments in mind.

8. Do Not Be Afraid To Make Mistakes

Constantly thinking about the possible outcomes might make us feel stressed and anxious. Chances are, we will reject challenging projects out of fear of failure.

But our Father wants us to be strong and courageous. Submit your desires to Lord, trust in Him, take your thoughts captive, and line them up with the word of God.

Deuteronomy 31:8 (ESV) tells us

โ€œIt is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.โ€

Even if we make a mistake, our beloved Father will turn it into a miracle. He will lift us up at the right time for He is great and He can do wondrous things. Remember who you are in Christ.

Prayer For Godโ€™s Will

Here’s an example of a prayer for God’s Will. I’m praying this will help you reach out to the Lord and get a better understanding of God’s Will for your life.

Father God, you know me better than I know myself. You are in control of my life, not me. Father, speak to me through Your holy word and help me understand Your will. I want to walk in the paths You desire even if it is not what I wished for. I know you have bigger plans for my life, Lord. My Miracle-worker, help me see the Truth and help me follow your will. I delight to do Your will with a joyful heart. All praise goes to You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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