The 10 Best VeggieTales Episodes and Movies

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Raising Christian kids can be really hard. When my kids were young, it was a struggle to find shows that built good moral character.

We watched a lot of different VeggieTales episodes and VeggieTales movies to get us through that season of life. We occasionally still watch VeggieTales Videos when we teach the children’s class at our church or when my 10-year-old son feels like watching one.

Did you know that there are 50 VeggieTales episodes available?  I’m talking about the original VeggieTales episodes. I would classify some of these episodes as VeggieTales Movies since some of them are longer than a short episode.

We haven’t watched all 50 of them but we’ve watched a good amount. Today, I want to share our favorite VeggieTales episodes and movies.

What are the VeggieTales Episodes About?

VeggieTales is about animated fruit and vegetable characters that star in stories showing good moral character based on a Christian lifestyle.

The stories re-create Bible stories and are aimed at children ages three to eight years old. Although you can watch them at any age. I’m often convicted by them as an adult. As Christians, we are striving to be like Jesus and that takes a lifelong effort.

VeggieTales Characters Names

Just like any type of show or movie, there is a main set of characters. Here are the VeggieTales characters that you can expect to see in these VeggieTales Episodes and Movies.

  • Larry The Cucumber
  • Bob The Tomato
  • LarryBoy
  • Junior Asparagus
  • Laura Carrot
  • Petunia Rhubarb

The 10 Best VeggieTales Episodes

1. VeggieTales: Are You, My Neighbor?

Are You My Neighbor?: A Lesson In...Loving Your Neighbor

I put this as number one on our list because it’s such a great message of loving your neighbor. This VeggieTales show teaches a Biblical perspective on loving others. ย 

This is available to purchase on Amazon. As of right now, they have it available on a VeggieTales VHS and VeggieTales DVD.

Are You My Neighbor?: A Lesson In...Loving Your Neighbor
  • English (Publication Language)
  • Audience Rating: G (General Audience)

2.  VeggieTales: The Toy That Saved Christmas

VeggieTales - The Toy That Saved Christmas

This is a great VeggieTales video for Christmas time. Honestly, it’s fun to watch at any time of the year. It gets the kids really excited about Christmas for the right purpose.

It kind of takes their eyes off their wants and gives them a real understanding of why we celebrate Christmas. This is available to purchase on Amazon. As of right now, they have it available on a VeggieTales VHS and VeggieTales DVD.

VeggieTales - The Toy That Saved Christmas
  • Big Idea Veggie Tales: The Toy That Saved Christmas
  • Benodin, Lesley, Blegen, Kristin, Cavanagh, Ken (Actors)
  • Olsen (II), Chris (Director)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • Audience Rating: Unrated (Not Rated)

3. VeggieTales: Rack, Shack, and Benny

Rack Shack & Benny

Peer pressure is a huge problem in the world today. This VeggieTales video is based on Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3. It helps kids learn to stand up for what is right even if other people take a different path.ย 

This is available to purchase on Amazon. As of right now, they have it available on a VeggieTales VHS and VeggieTales DVD.

Rack Shack & Benny
  • English (Publication Language)

4. VeggieTales: LarryBoy and The Rumor Weed

Veggie Tales: Larry Boy and the Fib/Larry Boy and the Rumor Weed

The words we speak are so important. In this VeggieTales episode, the characters learn how quickly rumors can get started. The rumor starts spreading like a weed and they have a hard time stopping it from spreading. ย 

This is available to purchase on Amazon. As of right now, they have it available on a VeggieTales DVD.

Veggie Tales: Larry Boy and the Fib/Larry Boy and the Rumor Weed
  • Factory sealed DVD
  • Various (Actor)
  • Various (Director)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)

5. VeggieTales: Esther…The Girl Who Became Queen

VeggieTales - Esther, the Girl Who Became Queen

The Lord calls us to be courageous. If you know the story of Esther, you know that she had to make hard choices. She had to use courage to help her do what was right. ย In this VeggieTales show, the characters get a good lesson in courage.ย ย 

This is available to purchase on Amazon. As of right now, they have it available on a VeggieTales VHS and VeggieTales DVD.

VeggieTales - Esther, the Girl Who Became Queen
  • Big Idea Veggie Tales: Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen
  • Jessica Kaplan, Pamela Thomas (Actors)
  • Mike Nawrocki (Director)
  • English (Subtitle)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)

6. VeggieTales: A Snoodle’s Tale

VeggieTales - A Snoodle's Tale [DVD]

This VeggieTales video is such a great lesson in self-worth. We are constantly torn down and need to remember that we belong to the Lord. The characters in this VeggieTales episode learn that they don’t need to be discouraged by others. Their creator made them wonderful and talented.ย 

This is available to purchase on Amazon. As of right now, they have it available on a VeggieTales DVD.

VeggieTales - A Snoodle's Tale [DVD]
  • Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)

7. VeggieTales: Lord of the Beans

Veggie Tales: Lord of the Beans, A Lesson in Using Your GIfts

We all are blessed with gifts. We need to choose to use those gifts for good. The VeggieTales characters in this episode go on a quest to see what special gifts they have and how to use them for good.ย 

This is available to purchase on Amazon. As of right now, they have it available on a VeggieTales DVD.

Veggie Tales: Lord of the Beans, A Lesson in Using Your GIfts
  • Factory sealed DVD
  • English, Spanish (Subtitles)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)

8. VeggieTales: Abe and the Amazing Promise

VeggieTales: An Easter Carol / Abe and the Amazing Promise

Oh, how I love the story of Abraham. It is such an amazing example of patience. Patience is such an important quality to obtain. We deal with it multiple times a day. The VeggieTales characters learn that God’s promise is well worth the wait.

This is available to purchase on Amazon. As of right now, they have it available on a VeggieTales DVD.

VeggieTales: An Easter Carol / Abe and the Amazing Promise
  • English, French, Spanish (Subtitles)
  • Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)

9. VeggieTales: Saint Nicholas

Veggietales: Saint Nicholas, A Story of Joyful Giving

Another awesome story centered around Christmas. I love this VeggieTales episode because it shows where Saint Nicholas originated from.

He definitely wasn’t the Saint Nicholaus we hear of today around Christmas. The characters find out the true joy of blessing others during Christmas and any time of the year. 

This is available to purchase on Amazon. As of right now, they have it available on a VeggieTales DVD.

Veggietales: Saint Nicholas, A Story of Joyful Giving
  • Big Idea Veggie Tales: Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving
  • Not Available (Producer)
  • English, Spanish (Subtitles)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)

10. VeggieTales: Sweetpea Beauty

VeggieTales: Sweetpea Beauty

Just like David, we should all desire to be after God’s own heart. Knowing that the beauty inside is what matters most. In this VeggieTales show, the characters learn that God made them in a special way. That true beauty is how the Lord views us.ย 

This is available to purchase on Amazon. As of right now, they have it available on a VeggieTales DVD.

VeggieTales: Sweetpea Beauty
  • Big Idea VeggieTales: Sweetpea Beauty
  • Rcr, Phil Vischer, Rcr, Lisa Vischer (Actors)
  • R, Phil Vischer (Director)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)

VeggieTales Videos

We are huge VeggieTales video fans. These are only 10 of our favorite VeggieTales episodes. As I mentioned before, there are 50 original VeggieTales episodes. I did some research and put a list together of all 50 episodes.  I listed them below in the order that they were released.

Some of these VeggieTales shows are available to watch on Amazon. You can also find them on streaming services like Netflix and Pureflix. Several of these VeggieTales videos can be purchased on Amazon and the VeggieTales website. `

List of All VeggieTales Episodes

1. Where’s God When I’m S-Scared?
2. God Wants Me to Forgive Them!?!
3. Are You My Neighbor?
4. Rack, Shack, and Benny
5. Dave and the Giant Pickle
6. The Toy That Saved Christmas
7. Larry-Boy! And the Fib from Outer Space!
8. Josh and the Big Wall!
9. Madame Blueberry
10. Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed
11. King George and the Ducky
12.  Esther… The Girl Who Became Queen
13. Lyle the Kindly Viking)
14. The Star of Christmas
15.  The Wonderful World of Autotainment
16. The Ballad of Little Joe
17. An Easter Carol
18. A Snoodle’s Tale
19. Sumo of the Opera
20. Duke and the Great Pie War
21. Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson’s Hairbrush
22. Lord of the Beans
23. Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler
24. LarryBoy and the Bad Apple
25. Gideon: Tuba Warrior
26. Moe and the Big Exit
27. The Wonderful Wizard of Ha’s
28. Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry’s Big River Rescue
29. Abe and the Amazing Promise
30. Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah’s Umbrella
31. Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving
32. Pistachio โ€“ The Little Boy That Woodn’t
33. Sweetpea Beauty: A Girl After God’s Own Heart
33. It’s a Meaningful Life
34. Twas The Night Before Easter
35. Princess and the Popstar
36. The Little Drummer Boy
37. Robin Good And His Not-So Merry Men
38. The Penniless Princess
39. The League of Incredible Vegetables
40. The Little House That Stood
41. MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle
42. Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas
43. Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier
44. Celery Night Fever
46. Beauty and the Beet
47. Noah’s Ark
48. Very Silly Songs
49. Silly Sing-Along 2: The End of Silliness?
50. The Ultimate Silly Song Countdown

What’s Your Favorite VeggieTales Episode?

There is such a variety of VeggieTales shows. They teach so many valuable lessons that apply to life today. The Bible is alive and is never changing. These VeggieTales videos can help our kids see what mankind struggles with and will continue to struggle with if they don’t receive salvation through Jesus.

Jesus doesn’t take away our problems but He gives us hope in Him which helps us overcome these problems. I have several favorite VeggieTales episodes because they speak to many different parts of my life. I’d love to hear your favorites.

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  1. Janice Sterling says:

    have seen a lot of them – so glad that tbn continues to show them

    1. Me too! We love watching them. I personally learn some valuable lessons from them as an adult.

  2. Sammy Watkins says:

    The best one, is Celery night fever, by far! You should watch it if you haven’t. All my friends and I love it!