Things to Be Grateful For and Thankful For Plus! Free Printable

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Do you know people that walk around moping like the beloved Eeyore?  

โ€œCould be worse. Not sure how, but it could be.โ€

โ€“ Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh

Do you catch yourself being a bit like Eeyore?  Expecting the worse or not seeing the good? If your answer is, โ€œWell, maybe a little.โ€ I would like to challenge you to change your perspective. Start by saying this:

There are So Many Things to be Grateful For and Thankful For Every Day!

Next, commit to a little daily exercise.  What if you daily jotted down just one thing that you were thankful or grateful for in an entire year?  

Do you think that the simple act of saying, โ€œI am thankful for____โ€ would help you retrain your brain to focus on the positive things in this treasured life?  

Do you think it could have an impact on how you view things around you?  Would that simple act of being grateful each and every day have an impact on your mood and attitude?  

Would finishing (or starting) your day with the thought โ€œGod, I am grateful for ____ today?โ€ help you see all the ways God is right there?

The Bible talks about this very topic. Here’s what it says in Philippians 4:8, KJV

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

The answer to all my probing questions is a resounding, โ€œYesโ€.  Looking for goodness and writing it down does have an impact on your mood, attitude, and how you see things around you.  It just takes a little focus.

Things to Be Grateful and Thankful For

Why Should I Make a Gratitude List?

The way I keep my focus on being grateful and on what is worthy of praise is by journaling.  I find the act of writing things down is a great way to help my brain do that very thing โ€“ to focus on the good.

I often tell my kids to be grateful for what they have rather than focus on what they donโ€™t have.  Journaling a gratitude list can help with this focus.

I personally like to begin my day with a nice cup of coffee (Yes! Iโ€™m being grateful for my yummy-warm cup.) and take that time to write out my thoughts.  

Writing my thoughts down sets the tone of my day. It helps me see Godโ€™s goodness all around me.

Journaling things I’m thankful and grateful for with a warm cup of coffee works best for me. Some people prefer to reflect on their day and journal at night or a combination of the two.  Do whichever works for you.

How Do I Start Making a Gratitude List?

Now you may be thinking what kind of things should I put on this gratitude list? How do I get started? You could simply list what you are grateful for or what are you thankful for on a piece of paper or in a blank journal book.

I also like to find and create resources to help guide the journaling process. I have created a free resource called โ€œOne Good Thingโ€ which is a daily reflection journal that gives you a space a day to jot something down every day of the year. Easy, peasy (and pretty).

For those of you that want to dig a little deeper, grab a pen and some paper and start writing.  You will be amazed how this exercise will redirect your thinking and improve your daily outlook on gratitude and thankfulness.

Are You Ready to Accept this Challenge of Daily Gratitude and Thankfulness?  

Letโ€™s begin!  Below is a list of gratitude journal prompts to ask yourself. These questions will help you see things to be grateful for and thankful for.

Feel free to be creative and come up with your own as well–whatever comes to your mind is fine.  However, sometimes a little nudge helps with expanding your mind of how much there really is to be thankful for.

Sheryl’s List of Thankfulness and Gratitude Journal Prompts

  • Who in your family are you grateful for?
  • What is great about your town or region?
  • What do you love about your culture?
  • What do you love about your country?
  • What hobbies do you love?
  • Which music makes you happy?
  • What makes you grateful about your health?
  • Who has helped you in the past?
  • What makes you grateful about your home?
  • What makes you grateful about the food you eat?
  • What lessons from the past are you grateful for?
  • Which teachers are you grateful for?
  • What fun times have you enjoyed?
  • Which movies or TV shows make you happy?
  • What can you do physically that you are glad about (walk, dance, swim, sing etc.)?
  • What makes you grateful about each month or season of the year?
  • What do you love about being free and independent?
  • What do you love about your own personality?
  • What places are you glad you’ve visited?
  • What are you happy you have now that you didn’t have last year/five years ago?  

As you can see, there are so many things to be thankful for and grateful for.  Pick up a blank page or some guided journal sheets and give writing down your thoughts a try.

You may begin to be more like Tigger and a little less like Eeyore. You just may see the world around you becomes a better place.

Free Printable Gratitude Journal Prompts

I created this gratitude journal prompts printable so you can sit in a quiet place and really think about your gratitude list. All you need to do is click this free gratitude prompts printable link to get this free printable. I’ve included a color copy and black and white copy in this free pdf.

Free Gratitude Journal Prompts Printable

Gratitude List Ideas

To help you a little more, I thought it would be fun to share things I’ve found to be thankful for and grateful for. It has taken a lot of thought to get here but my hope is that it will help you get a nice start on a personal gratitude list.

Here is a list of things we should all be thankful for in no particular order. This list isn’t complete by any means but I will continue adding to it as I think of things. Remember that thankfulness and gratefulness are things we all should experience.

God loves us so much and wants us to enjoy our time on this earth. Our health, our emotions, our relationships, and our overall well-being are affected by the attitude we carry every day. It’s our choice to focus on the good.

  1. Jesus
  2. Prayer
  3. Grace
  4. Mercy
  5. Bible
  6. Love
  7. Trust
  8. Forgiveness
  9. Faith
  10. Hope
  11. Peace
  12. Encouragement
  13. Truth
  14. Healing
  15. Spouse
  16. Marriage
  17. Your Kids
  18. Parents
  19. Grandparents
  20. Quality Time
  21. Mentors
  22. Teachers
  23. Church
  24. Shelter
  25. Furniture
  26. Friends
  27. Co-Workers
  28. Pets
  29. Neighbors
  30. Jobs
  31. Work from Home Jobs
  32. Promotions
  33. Health
  34. Heart
  35. Immunity
  36. Arms
  37. Hands
  38. Legs
  39. Feet
  40. Eyes/Vision
  41. Ears/Hearing
  42. Mouth/Taste
  43. Nose/Smell
  44. Touch
  45. Talking
  46. Thinking
  47. Your Memory
  48. Learning
  49. Coffee
  50. Food
  51. Education
  52. Sleep
  53. Energy
  54. Clothing
  55. Seasons
  56. The Sun
  57. Money
  58. Clean Water
  59. Warm Water
  60. Dishwasher
  61. Washer and Dryer
  62. Electricity
  63. Indoor Plumbing
  64. Technology
  65. Transportation
  66. Travel
  67. Books
  68. Healthcare
  69. Music
  70. Safety
  71. Freedom
  72. Exercise
  73. Accomplishment
  74. Challenges
  75. Anticipation
  76. Your Personality
  77. Your Abilities
  78. Being Unique
  79. Your Values
  80. Laughter
  81. Hugs
  82. Smiles
  83. Silence
  84. Nature
  85. Photos
  86. Sleeping In
  87. Waking Up
  88. Community Workers
  89. The Military
  90. The Veterans
  91. Time
  92. GPS
  93. Traditions
  94. Holidays
  95. Future
  96. Rainbows
  97. A Stormy Day
  98. Fireplace
  99. Snow
  100. Stars
  101. Night Time
  102. Relaxing
  103. Imagination
  104. Birthdays
  105. Lists
  106. Inspiration
  107. Experience
  108. Breath
  109. Air
  110. Life

What Are You Grateful For and Thankful For?

Depending on where you are right now, this may be a lot to process. It’s easy to look at the negative and never look at the positive. Hopefully, this article will help you look at the positive and find some things you are really grateful for and thankful for.

I’d love to hear about some of the things on your gratitude list. Let me know in the comments below.

“Gratitude is the single most important ingredient to living a successful and fulfilled life.โ€

Jack Canfield

Sheryl Siler is the Chief Encourager at Treasured Nest — a place where grace abounds. A place with resources to help make home life simpler, and less chaotic, and a place to build faith to help you gain confidence to see just what a treasure you and your life really are.

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One Comment

  1. This is such a great way to shift your mindset and be on the lookout for more things to appreciate! Thanks for this!